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Monday, January 14, 2008

[TEX] template for beamer


% Layout Options
% [slidestop] puts frame titles & contents on the top left corner (default = [slidescentered])
% [compress] makes all navigation bars as small as possible (bad for multi-line navigation bars)
% [red] changes navigation bars and title to reddish color (default = blue; others = red,brown,blackandwhite)
% Font options
% [mathserif] use serif fonts for representing formulas instead of sans serif (default = mathsans)
% Note options
% [notes] adds notes to PDF screen
% [notesonly] make only notes


% This package enables us to use special letters (with accents, cedillas, etc).
% You can discard this command when the presentation is in English.

% in \begin{document} .. \end{document}

% in \begin{frame} .. \end{frame}

% The default font theme installs a sans serif for all text of the presentation

% Using default block style

% Background colors
% solid style
% gradient style
% grid style

\title{Title of Presentation}
\author{Name of Author}
\institute{Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica}
\date{December 12, 2007}

making title page

% Beamer 2.20 macro
% Beamer 3.0 to make cover slide

layout of presentation

%\section[title name]{real name}
\section[title name shown in navigation bars ]{real name shown in context}
%\subsection[title name]{real name}
\subsection[title name]{real name}
\frametitle{Title shown in the page}

making outline page

% To define a frame containing the layout of the presentation

adding note for each frame

% appending to \end{frame}
%\note[options]{ .. }; options = itemize, enumerate
\note[itemize]{\item Notes content}



My photo
Taipei, Taiwan
3rd Year Ph.D Student in Chemical Biology and Biological Physics of Academia Sinica

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