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Friday, December 07, 2007

[FFX] play M$ video

invoke WMP to player videos

1. turn off your ffx
2. open the following file in notepad: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\pluginreg.dat
3. search for "Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library"
4. add or modify bold lines:

Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library|$
0|application/asx|Media Files|*|$
1|video/x-ms-asf-plugin|Media Files|*|$
2|application/x-mplayer2|Media Files|*|$
3|video/x-ms-asf|Media Files|asf,asx,*|$
4|video/x-ms-wm|Media Files|wm,*|$
5|audio/x-ms-wma|Media Files|wma,*|$
6|audio/x-ms-wax|Media Files|wax,*|$
7|video/x-ms-wmv|Media Files|wmv,*|$
8|video/x-ms-wvx|Media Files|wvx,*|$
9|video/x-msvideo|Media Files|avi,*|$



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Taipei, Taiwan
3rd Year Ph.D Student in Chemical Biology and Biological Physics of Academia Sinica

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